suspecting a borderline diabetes
Suspecting a Borderline Diabetes?

While a whopping eighty-six million Americans have borderline diabetes, 9 out of 10 of those people don’t even realize they have it. So, what exactly is borderline diabetes? Educate yourself now on the all-too-common condition. Prediabetes or borderline diabetes means your blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be […]

Stay Safe this Halloween

Kids love the magic of Halloween. But for parents, the holiday may raise some valid concerns. Ill-fitting costumes and sharp props can cause injuries, candle-lit jack-o-lanterns pose a fire hazard and above all, there is an increased risk of car accidents. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, “twice as many child pedestrians are killed while walking […]

Travel Malaria Prevention
Malaria Prevention Travel Clinic in NYC

Are you planning on traveling abroad to a tropical climate or one that has a risk of malaria infection? Urgent Way can help prepare you for your trip with medications and consultation to help you prevent malaria infection. There is no known vaccine for malaria, so prevention involves safe travel practices, mosquito bite prevention, and […]

really need Probiotics
Do we really need Probiotics?

What exactly do probiotics do and why are they beneficial to our bodies? One would think, why add more bacteria to our bodies when we are consumed by so many other tendencies? We always think bacteria are bad for us or that cause diseases and that we must get rid of them. But actually, our […]

4 ways to speed up your immigration process
4 Ways to Speed Up Your Immigration Process

Making the United States your permanent home can be an exciting proposition. However, many people do not properly evaluate the lengthy immigration process when planning their move. Immigrants that have successfully completed their journey have found that it can take up to two years to complete. This is a long time to wait, and you might be […]

all the right reasons to choose urgentway
All the Right Reasons To Choose UrgentWay

Choosing an urgent care clinic can be a tough decision when you don’t know what to expect from a new provider. UrgentWay makes this choice easier because all of our locations offer the same high-quality services. In this video, Dr. Herman Chiu, CMO, and Founder of UrgentWay Walk-In Clinics discuss why patients should select our […]

Know About COVID-19
CoronaVirus – All You Need To Know on COVID-19

CoronaVirus comes in a large family of viruses that can cause respiratory diseases ranging from a minor cold to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Novel coronavirus (nCOV) is a new strain of the family of coronaviruses that have been recently identified in Wuhan, China. It is a type of virus that […]

Urgent Care Cost
How Much Does the Urgent Care Cost?

Without question, the cost of medical care in this country has skyrocketed over the last few decades. Walk into an emergency room with an earache or the need for a few stitches and you’re apt to walk out with a bill that is nothing short of shocking. Luckily, urgent care centers are a much more […]

Coronavirus Transmission
Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus Transmission

Covid-19 commonly known as coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 is now transmitted to almost all the states of America. Researchers and healthcare experts are now focused on decreasing the transmission impact by creating maximum awareness of the prevention of coronavirus. Everyone can take necessary precautions to avoid getting sick from this novel coronavirus or infecting other people. […]