Fibromyalgia: What Are Your Best Options For Treatment?

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain syndrome. Though the exact cause(s) of the condition remains unknown, research has identified several factors that seem to contribute to its development. For instance, emotional and physical trauma, chronic stress, previous infections, genetics, and abnormal responses by the brain in managing pain have all been identified as possible causes. […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Fireworks Safety

The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to let the pros do it. But if you can’t imagine July 4th without lighting a few fireworks at home, here are the Dos and Don’ts of fireworks safety: DO: Point the fireworks away from people, places, and things. Keep water nearby in case anything happens, and extinguish spent […]

7 Ways Depression Affects the Body

Contrary to popular belief, depression isn’t just all in your head. The effects of depression influence not only the mind and your brain chemistry – but also bodily processes that enable us to function normally every day. Globally, the number of people who are clinically diagnosed with a mental illness is staggering. According to a […]

How to make a Fast Flu Recovery

Flu season is fast approaching. Learn your personal risk of the illness, and how to make a fast flu recovery if you do wind up sick this season. Flu Risks Many of us consider the flu a mild, common, and short-lived illness. However, for certain populations, the flu can lead to very serious complications, such […]

A Sore Throat or Strep Throat?

Your throat aches and the simple act of swallowing is suddenly painful. Is this a mild sore throat that will go away on its own, or a strep infection that needs antibiotics? Learn when it’s time to see a doctor for sore throat symptoms. There are many causes for a sore throat. Your pain could […]

5 Ways to Reduce Your Medical Bill

Though the government has made healthcare insurance affordable for a large majority of the American population, out-of-pocket medical bills can still quickly skyrocket. Whether you are in for a routine check-up, or you are being submitted for surgery, there are ways you can save on the costs associated with such. Here are five ways in […]

Travel Malaria Prevention
Malaria Prevention Travel Clinic in NYC

Are you planning on traveling abroad to a tropical climate or one that has a risk of malaria infection? Urgent Way can help prepare you for your trip with medications and consultation to help you prevent malaria infection. There is no known vaccine for malaria, so prevention involves safe travel practices, mosquito bite prevention, and […]