Do we really need Probiotics?

What exactly do probiotics do and why are they beneficial to our bodies? One would think, why to add more bacteria to our bodies when we are consumed by so many other tendencies. We always think bacteria is bad for us or that cause diseases and that we must get rid of it. But actually, […]

Ultimate Summer Safety Guide

Make summer safety a priority. Summer should be a time of lighthearted amusement and no unnecessary trips to the doctor! Learn these key summer safety tips to prevent injuries while enjoying all of your favorite seasonal activities. We walk you through the basics of safe grilling, swimming, and fireworks. Safe Grilling and BBQs Each year, […]

Make time for a Sports Physical this August

The start of the school year is just around the corner! And if you’re the parent of a student-athlete, you’ll want to ensure that your child is physically and mentally ready to get in the game come fall. Head into our clinic now for a fast, affordable sports physical! Most athletic leagues and schools require […]

How to make a Fast Flu Recovery

Flu season is fast approaching. Learn your personal risk of the illness, and how to make a fast flu recovery if you do wind up sick this season. Flu Risks Many of us consider the flu a mild, common, and short-lived illness. However, for certain populations, the flu can lead to very serious complications, such […]

How to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

School is back in-session and temperatures are cooling down, which means cold and flu season is just around the corner. Learn what precautions you can take now to prevent cold and flu later. Cold and flu are contagious respiratory illnesses that spread through droplets in the air. These droplets are made when an infected person […]

24 Hour Urgent Care Clinic vs. ER

It used to be a lot easier to get an appointment with your physician. You didn’t feel well, you called the doctor and got seen. If it was bad enough, you went to the ER, filled out a bunch of paperwork, and then got seen. Something happened not so many years ago that made things […]

7 Ways How to Beat Insomnia Fast and Sleep Better

Having trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. One in three people reportedly suffers from insomnia. Making intelligent lifestyle choices can help you fall – and stay asleep. Here are 7 strategies to help conquer insomnia, including a few you hopefully haven’t yet considered. 1. Aim for a daily benchmark of 7 hours of sleep. This includes […]

Are Over the Counter Home STD Testing Kits Safe?

Last fall, actor Charlie Sheen, known for his roles in “Two & a Half Men,” “Platoon,” and “Wall Street,” became known for something else: his positive HIV status. While critics attacked Sheen for what they imagined was a risky sex life rife with unprotected encounters, the actor admitted to only having unprotected sex twice in […]

Swine Flu Prevention and Care

The Health Ministry of Mexico shared that the country had seen a recent spike in the H1N1 virus, commonly known as Swine flu, during the recent flu season. Government records show that nearly 68 people have died due to complications from the disease so far. This has caused some concern in neighboring countries like the […]