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What Are The Effects Of Lifestyle Diseases?

What Are The Effects Of Lifestyle Diseases

What Are The Effects Of Lifestyle Diseases?

The effects of lifestyle diseases are very devastating and may lead to many complications. These effects of lifestyle diseases are responsible for millions of people’s death worldwide. Lifestyle diseases are illnesses that are mainly caused by people’s daily activities. Habits that hinder individuals from being active and drive them toward a sedentary lifestyle may lead to various health problems, including chronic noncommunicable illnesses with life-threatening effects. Each year, approximately 40 million people die due to lifestyle diseases, accounting for around 70% of all fatalities worldwide. These illnesses cannot be passed on from one person to the next and are caused by a complex interaction of genetics, physiology, environment, and behavior. Cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer, and diabetes are the most common lifestyle diseases. Every year, 17.7 million people die from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, making it the deadliest disease globally. Cancer kills 8.8 million people each year, followed by respiratory illnesses, which kill approximately 3.9 million people each year, and diabetes, which has an annual morbidity rate of 1.6 million people.

Effects of lifestyle diseases

The effects of lifestyle diseases are given below:

i. Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. They include:

ii. Coronary heart disease 

Coronary heart disease is a condition that affects the blood arteries that provide blood to the heart muscle.

iii. Cerebrovascular disease 

Cerebrovascular disease is a condition that affects the blood arteries that feed the brain.

iv. Peripheral arterial disease 

Peripheral arterial disease is a condition that affects the blood arteries that provide blood to the arms and legs.

Effects of cardiovascular diseases

These diseases may lead to bluish skin, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling in your legs, feet, ankles, or belly and feeling tired. Heart failure may result from these illnesses because they make your heart work harder. When your heart cannot pump blood as efficiently as it should, it may result in arrhythmia, difficulty breathing, and a buildup of fluid in your lungs. 

Chronic respiratory diseases

Airflow from the lungs is blocked as a result of chronic respiratory disorders. Breathing difficulties, cough, mucus production, and wheezing are all symptoms. Long-term exposure to irritating gases or particulate matter, most often cigarette smoke, is the most common cause. People who suffer from chronic respiratory disorders are more likely to acquire heart disease, lung cancer, and several other illnesses. The following are two more prevalent chronic respiratory diseases:

Effects of chronic respiratory diseases

Effects of lifestyle diseases as chronic respiratory diseases are severe and may cause many complications as given below:

i. Respiratory infections

Colds, the flu, and pneumonia are more common in those with chronic respiratory disorders. Any respiratory infection may make breathing considerably more complex and lead to additional lung tissue damage.

ii. High blood pressure in lung arteries

Chronic respiratory diseases may cause high blood pressure in the arteries that bring blood to your lungs (pulmonary hypertension).

iii. Depression

Breathing difficulties may prevent you from participating in activities that you like. And coping with severe disease may increase the onset of depression.

iv. Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the body’s ability to manage and utilize sugar as fuel is impaired. Too much sugar circulates in the bloodstream as a consequence of this long-term disease. High blood sugar levels may eventually cause problems with the circulation, neurological, and immunological systems. When your pancreas cannot generate enough insulin, other hormones are utilized to convert fat into energy. High amounts of hazardous substances, such as acids and ketone bodies, may result, potentially leading to diabetic ketoacidosis. This is a very severe illness complication. Diabetic gastroparesis, diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome, and heartburn are all possible complications of diabetes.

Effects of diabetes 

Effects of lifestyle diseases as diabetes are:

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing sores
  • Frequent infections
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Areas of darkened skin, usually in the armpits and neck


Cancer is a condition in which malignant cells develop out of control. Cancer does not always result in life-threatening consequences if identified and treated early. When cancer affects vital organs and their capacity to function, it becomes life-threatening. The following are the consequences of lifestyle disease; cancer:

Effects of cancer

i. Malnourishment

Malnutrition is a leading cause of death in advanced cancer patients. This may happen when tumors in the digestive tract cause a blockage or prevent vital nutrients from being absorbed. Furthermore, cancer and its therapies may cause a lack of appetite and the inability to eat.

ii. Lack of oxygen

Tumors in the lungs can block part of the lung or cause it to collapse. A diseased or collapsed lung can lead to:

  • A lung infection that’s difficult to treat
  • The inability to absorb enough oxygen
  • Trouble breathing

iii. Liver damage

The liver performs many functions, including filtering toxins from the blood and maintaining chemical equilibrium. Liver cancers may prohibit the liver from completing these tasks, resulting in jaundice and potentially fatal complications.

iv. Inability to perform

Too much calcium (hypercalcemia) may be released into the bloodstream as a result of bone cancer. This may affect the heart, kidneys, and muscles’ ability to operate correctly. Confusion, memory loss, and sadness are neurological symptoms that may occur as effects of lifestyle diseases.

There are four significant lifestyle diseases: cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Effects of these lifestyle diseases may disturb other body parts’ functions, resulting in coma or death. If we control the impact of these lifestyle diseases, the rate of mortality in the world can be controlled.


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