Facts About the Seasonal Flu Vaccine

New York battles the flu season every year with hundreds of thousands of people falling sick to the seasonal ailment. One of the best ways to avoid the flu is to learn about how the disease is spread and how to prevent getting infected. This requires knowing all the key facts about influenza and acting […]

Telemedicine is Here!

Try our new Telemedicine service for even greater time savings. Not feeling well? Limited on time? Not looking forward to braving the weather when you’re sick? Then Telemedicine is your answer! Set up an appointment to speak to one of our providers over the phone. Telemedicine is today’s advancing medical technology. It’s defined as the […]

Common End-of-Winter Illnesses

Symptoms to watch for, and what to do “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant,” said Anne Bradstreet, an American poet.  Spring is here, so away with the cold weather and the nasty winter illnesses, too! This year has been difficult for so many fighting illnesses. Sickness is everywhere and […]

How to Help A Parent Become a US Citizen?

United States Immigration laws allow an adult son or daughter to sponsor a parent for U.S. permanent residency and as a result, U.S. citizenship. There are certain requirements that a sponsoring child has to meet. First, the child has to be at least 21 years old. In addition, the child has to be able to […]

Vaccinations: Good or Bad?

Vaccinations! A very hot topic among parents these days is the decision of whether to vaccinate or remain vaccination-free. Regardless of which side of the discussion you are on, the topic of vaccinations can become very confusing for parents. More and more studies are conducted to prove both the pros and cons of vaccinations. Knowing […]

How to Avoid Heartburn during the Holiday Season
How to Avoid Heartburn during the Holiday Season

The holiday season is approaching quickly and the cravings toward food will be more than normal days. People usually don’t care about what they consume, but the consequences have to be faced later in terms of heartburn and indigestion. Before we move further, let’s find out what heartburn is all about. Heartburn is a painful […]